Това разширение не е обновявано повече от 2 години. Може вече да не се поддържа и да има проблеми със съвместимостта при използването му на по-нови версии на WordPress.

Contact Form 7 SendInBlue Opt-in Checkbox


Just use Contact Form 7’s normal shortcodes like so:

‘[email* your-email]’
‘[checkbox sendinblue-opt-in default:1 „Subscribe“ ]’
‘[hidden sendinblue-list-id „13“]’

That’s all there is to it.


In your wp-config file define your SendinBlue API (V2) key:

define(‘SEND_IN_BLUE_KEY’, ‘yourV2keyhere’);


Installation Instructions

In your wp-config file define your SendinBlue API (V2) key:

define(‘SEND_IN_BLUE_KEY’, ‘yourV2keyhere’);


Work perfectly! no need to do anything, only installed! Very happy!! Lynda
19.09.2018 1 reply
It’s necessary update mailing.php file, otherwise, when SendinBlue Subscribe Form And WP SMTP plugin is installed Fatal error: Call to undefined method is showed
The plugin works but note that, after installation, you need to setup the SendinBlue API key on the wp-config.php file as mentioned on the installation details: In your wp-config file define your SendinBlue API (V2) key: define(‘SEND_IN_BLUE_KEY’, ‘yourV2keyhere’);
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