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Gift upon purchase for WooCommerce


This plugin will help create a gift when buying for WooCommerce. The plug-in Woocommerce is required!

Снимки на разширението

  • screenshot-1.png


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the entire gift-upon-purchase-for-woocommerce folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress


How to create a gift upon purchase for WooCommerce?

  1. Open the product for the purchase of which you will give a gift.
  2. Open the tab ‘Add Gift’
  3. In the ‘Product Selection’ field, select the products that the customer will receive as a gift.

What plugin online store supported by your plugin?

Only Woocommerce (v3.2.0 or higher).


The plugin helped to solve the problem with a gift that is automatically added to the cart, for certain conditions of purchase in the store. Thanks to the developer!
I recently installed Gift upon purchase for WooCommerce and found it to be incredibly easy and straightforward to set up. The interface is intuitive and I was able to start using it right away. However, I did notice that when trying to add multiple free gifted products, the cart calculation did not account for this and I was unable to receive the first product for free. It would be great if the plugin could calculate the cart accordingly so that users can still take advantage of the initial gift offer. Additionally, it would be helpful to have the ability to disable the free gift option under product attributes. Thirdly, I’ve found the Disable gifts for this product is not working. Overall, I’m really happy with the plugin and the improvements I’ve suggested would make it even better!
Which was exactly what I needed. This adds a block to the product editor where you can select what gift gets added to the cart when that product is selected. It’s a simple, lightweight plugin and works exactly as advertised. You can also enable general settings so certain days, times, or above a certain amount of money spent gets gifts added to the cart. If they ever decide to add any features in the future, it might be cool to also make it be able to add gifts to the cart depending on certain coupon codes used. I would also really have liked it if when the gift is added to the cart, there is an option that shows the original price of the gift, with a strike-through demonstrating that it is now free. For example, I have a downloadable gift that’s worth $700 dollars. I’m giving it away free to certain customers, and I’d love it if there were a strike-through so when it’s added to the cart, they can see that the free gift they got is originally worth $700 but now „crossed out“ down to zero. Again, that’s only if they decide to add options. It works perfectly as is.
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Списък с промени


  • Minor changes


  • Fixed bugs
  • Added information about compatibility with HPOS


  • Fixed bugs


  • Fixed bugs


  • Fixed bugs


  • Fixed bugs


  • Added the ability to select the location of the text about the gift on the product page
  • Fixed bugs


  • New interface


  • Added a couple of new features


  • Fixed bugs


  • Now the „Remove/accept gifts“ button is automatically hidden


  • Fixed bugs with text on buttons in the cart


  • Fixed bugs
  • The user can now refuse the gift


  • Added Spanish (Spain) translation. (Thanks a lot Jose S N)


  • Fix bug
  • Added the ability to give a gift on certain days of the week and hours
  • Added the ability to sell 2 products for the price of one (only for simple products)


  • Fix bug


  • Minor changes


  • Minor changes


  • Fix bug with still able to checkout with only the free gift in their cart


  • Fix bug


  • Added settings of gifts for any product


  • Fix bug with gifts when buying a variable product


  • Fix bug with variable gifts


  • Added Settings Page
  • Added Debug Page


  • First relise