Mass Email To Users is the plugin for sending a mass email to WordPress users. Admin can send an email to WordPress users together. Simple and mass mailer plugin. Admin can have option pagination in the list all users. Admin can send HTML email to selected users.
In the pro version, admin can have Full WYSIWYG editor available for typing email. Admin can simply select users and load email templates and send an email. In pro version, admin can send a newsletter to users and also can send emails via cronjobs.
Find Mass Email Pro Plugin at WordPress Mass Email Pro
Advance Newsletter Plugin at Newsletter Email Subscription
select users and email them.
Seprate emails send.
pagination for more users.
WordPress capebilities feature
=Pro Version Features=
Full wysiwyg editor available for typing email.
Email Templates Managements.
Admin can send email with unsubscribe link.
User can unsubscribe from email messages.
Support BuddyPress Fields inot email content as well as filter users
Admin can search user with email,username,user nice name and user display name.
Admin can use extra place holders like [first_name],[last_name],[nickname],[user_email],[user_nicename],[display_name].
Now pro version has email queue just select users and add theme to queue.Admin can go through any page and select users and
add theme to email queue and send all queue email at once. -
Now admin can view the list of users who has unsbuscribe from all emails.Admin can resubscribe those users who has ubscribe.
No advertising.
WordPress capebilities feature.
This plugin is free for everyone! Since it’s released under the GPL, you can use it free of charge on your personal or commercial blog. But you can make some donations if you realy find it useful.
Снимки на разширението
This plugin is easy to install like other plug-ins of WordPress as you need to just follow the below mentioned steps:
upload mass-email-to-users folder to wp-Content/plugins folder.
Activate the plugin from Dashboard / Plugins window.
Now Plugin is Activated, Go to the Usage section to see how to use Vertical News Scroller.
1.Use of wordpress mass email to users is easy after activating plugin go to Mass Email menu.
2.Select users you want to send email.
3.Add some html message and click on send email to users.
4.Thats it your email is sent.
1.How to use ?
For frontend side use please use widget feature.more more info use readme installation and usage notes.
Сътрудници и разработчици
“Mass Email To users” е софтуер с отворен код. Към разширението са допринесли следните хора:
Сътрудници“Mass Email To users” е преведено на 1 език. Благодарности на преводачите за техния принос.
Превеждане на “Mass Email To users” на вашия език.
Имате интерес към разработване?
Преглеждане на кода, разглеждане на SVN хранилище, или абонамент към програмната история (log) чрез RSS.
Списък с промени
- Fixed vulnerabilities.
- Tested with WordPress 6.2
- Fixed character set problem.
- Fixed nl2br problem
- Tested with WordPress 5.4
- added WordPress content editor for email body.
- Tested with WordPress 5.2
- added WordPress capebilities feature.
- Tested with WordPress 5.1
- Added search functionality
- Improve admin UI
- Tested with WordPress 5.0
- Stable 1.0 first release