Това разширение не е обновявано повече от 2 години. Може вече да не се поддържа и да има проблеми със съвместимостта при използването му на по-нови версии на WordPress.

Paypal Frontend Registration


Paypal Frontend Registration : Allow user to Register to your wordpress blog accepting payment from user using PAYPAL
This plugin help you to receive an amount from the front end user.
Plugin will redirect user to paypal and after successful payment user will register to your website.
This Plugin also provide the test mode by activating „SANDBOX“ from admin area.

Снимки на разширението

  • Front end registration Form
  • Admin Penal – Paypal Details


  1. Upload Paypal_Frontend_Registration.1.0.0.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Place [registartion_form] in your Pages.


What is the best way check Plugin?

  • First test it on test mode
  • This is possible using enable sandbox from admin site


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Сътрудници и разработчици

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Имате интерес към разработване?

Преглеждане на кода, разглеждане на SVN хранилище, или абонамент към програмната история (log) чрез RSS.

Списък с промени


  • Feb. 11, 2014 – v1.0.0
  • Release Plugin


  • Validation upgraded.
  • Confirm Password field Added for more security.


  • Fully compatible with upcoming WordPress 4.3.
  • Security hardening.
  • Currency selection feature added.


  • Minor Bug solved
  • User role assing : Default role assing as Subscriber


  • Improved version.
  • Allows to delete Junk users.
  • A Payment tab displays all the payment received so far.