Това разширение не е обновявано повече от 2 години. Може вече да не се поддържа и да има проблеми със съвместимостта при използването му на по-нови версии на WordPress.

Saner Color and Admin Settings


Simply it gives you greater control over the admin section allowing the colours to match the theme of your website. You can also replace WordPress logos with your very own or just have them blank. It doesn’t stop there, you can also remove unwanted menus and the WordPress upgrade message for non admins.

  1. Change the colors of your admin section
  2. Replace WordPress logo in Admin Bar with your own logo
  3. Replace WordPress logo on Login Screen
  4. Remove unwanted menu items for non admins


  1. Upload saner-admin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


Having problems with the plugin, need support or want to request a function?

Please visit Saner Design Projects


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Списък с промени


Fixed image upload conflict with post image upload by only allowing url entries. A solution will be coming soon.


Fixed array issues


Even more bug fixes


More bug fixes


Fixes bug where menu icons disappeared


*This is version 1.0 no changes yet 🙂