Етикет на разширения: 404
(0 общо оценки)Manage 301 & 302 redirects easily. No posts creation bloat, just a simple list.
LH Response Handler
(0 общо оценки)Intercepts wordpress 404s and allows you to handle the response with a redirect or much more!
Axon 404
(0 общо оценки)A simple and easy to use custom 404 page, or basic 404 to home page redirect.
LH 404s for static resources
(0 общо оценки)Add simple 404 page for static files. Meaning that full page requests are not made if things like images or scripts do not exist.
404 Designer
(0 общо оценки)Easily set a custom 404 error page using any WordPress page. Design your 404 page as a regular page and use it as the 404 template for your site.