Етикет на разширения: header
Zidi TopBar Menu
(0 общо оценки)Zidi TopBar Menu helps create a modern and elegant topbar menu call to action section in your website.
Simple Header Footer Scripts
(0 общо оценки)Very simple Header Footer Scripts plugin with no ads or paid upgrades.
Line Style Menus – Beautiful line styled menus
(1 общо оценки)You can easily add these amazing effects in your Wordpress installation by adding our plugin. With "Line Styled Menu" you can add your desir …
(0 общо оценки)Inject content into your RSS feed to entice people to subscribe or allow you to add a message so if the feed it aggregated onto another site it is at …
Twenty Thirteen Header Animations
(1 общо оценки)Spice up the header of your out-of-the-box Twenty Thirteen install! Instead of the default graphic images in the header, this plugin generates custom …
Admin Header Note
(1 общо оценки)Places a small note with an optional link at the top of the admin pages.
Easily Integrate Google Analytics
(0 общо оценки)This plugin allows you to add Google Analytics of your wordpress blog by hooking into wp_head.
P2 Header Ad
(1 общо оценки)Places a 468×80 pixel advert inside the header of Automattic's wonderful P2 Theme.
Change themehdr URL
(0 общо оценки)When you transfer your WP from one domain to another, you might want to update
Addressbar Theme Color
(0 общо оценки)Set the color for the address bar (of your web browser) in mobile devices.
Flickr Header
(0 общо оценки)Choose a Creative Commons photo from Flickr, crop it, and use it as your header. Attribution is added automatically!
Custom Post Text
(0 общо оценки)This plugin is for adding certain text to every post, before or after.
Restore Admin Header
(0 общо оценки)Add the link to your site back to the top of your WordPress admin!
Get Data
(0 общо оценки)By using Get Data Plugin, you can get content by URL and insert data in header or footer.
Page Title Customizer for Twenty series
(0 общо оценки)This plugin can customize each page and post "title" with css and html for Twenty Nineteen and the other Twenty series theme.