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LivePayments – mobilPay Card WooCommerce Payment Gateway


Is this plug-in a good fit for you?

For end users:
This plug-in is good for you if you are any kind of merchant running a WooCommerce-powered store and want accept credit or debit card payment using the romanian mobilPay™ payment processing gateway.

For WooCommerce developers:
If you are a WordPress solution developer and working on implementing a WooCommerce-based store powered by this payment processing gateway, then this is the only such plug-in that allows you to customize your implementation, due to a wealth of action and filter hooks.


  • easy to setup and run using a friendly configuration interface, which does not require of you to perform any kind of FTP operation: just install the plug-in, fetch your assets from mobilPay and configure your plug-in.
  • customizable and extensible via a wealth of action and filter hooks;
  • supports all mobilPay™ transaction statuses, including partial refunds and partially completed payments;
  • extremely detailed reporting on transaction history and lifecycle;
  • dashboard widget for a quick outlook on overall transaction statuses;
  • detailed transaction details are reported for each order, for both admin staff and your clients;
  • multi-language support (romanian translation included);
  • advanced diagnosis and monitoring of plugin configuration;
  • detailed journaling.

Supported transaction statuses (actions)

  • confirmed (the amount has been transfered and is entering the settlement process) – if the amount reported as confirmed is the same as the amount initially paid, the order may be fulfilled. Otherwise, it is placed on hold.
  • confirmed_pending (the transaction’s fraud risk is being assessed. The amount is being transfered. If everything checks out, the transaction moves to confirmed state.) – the order is placed on hold.
  • paid_pending (the transaction’s fraud risk is being assessed. No transfer has occured at this stage, but the amount is being reserved on the client’s card.) – the order is placed on hold.
  • canceled (the amount reserved on the client’s card is being released.) – the order is marked as cancelled.
  • credit (amount refunded to client – partially or in full) – the refunded amount is recorded in the order state. If the entire amount has been refunded, the order is marked as refunded.

Supported languages

Available in English and Romanian.

Снимки на разширението

  • Frontend order details page – Payment transaction details
  • Admin order details page – Payment transaction details
  • Admin plug-in settings
  • Thank you page – Payment transaction status
  • Admin dashboard widget
  • Admin transaction history – details
  • Admin transaction history – listing
  • Plugin settings page (Livepayments-MP-WC > Plugin Settings menu)
  • Plugin diagnosis page (Livepayments-MP-WC > Plugin Diagnostics menu)


  1. Using your favourite FTP client, upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/livepayments-mp-wc directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly (recommended).
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Retrieve your security assets from mobilPay™’s management interface (see here: https://github.com/alexboia/LivePayments-MP-WC#retrieving-mobilpay-security-assets).
  4. Use the WooCommerce -> Settings -> Payments -> mobilPay™ Card Gateway sidebar menu item to access the plug-in configuration page.
  5. Fill in the required fields as instructed here: https://github.com/alexboia/LivePayments-MP-WC#setting-up-and-configuring-your-plug-in.


Does it support other payment processing gateways?

No, the plug-in only supports the mobilPay payment processing gateway.

Does it support other payment methods?

No, the plug-in only supports credit or debit card payments.

How can I contribute?

Head over to the plug-in’s GitHub page (https://github.com/alexboia/LivePayments-MP-WC) and let’s talk!


11.10.2022 1 reply
Salut! Primesc eroarea respectiva la incarcarea fisierului prin /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=checkout&section=lvd_wc_mc_mobilpay_cc_gateway . Poti sa-mi zici path-ul de incarcare? Sa le fac manual. Stiu ca e ceva de la server dar nu gasesc eroarea
the plugin works better than the original one provided by mobilpay, it should be a must for everyone who uses mobilpay.
Excellent work, the gateway works perfectly, according to expectations. Also very fast and helpful support. Great help for website owners using mobilPay, Thank you
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Списък с промени


  • Fixed „WooCommerce 5.6 Analytics -> Overview not working #16“
  • Fixed „The plugin’s loading indicator overlaps with WooCommerce’s loading indicator #14“


  • Fixed two issues: activation error + missing romanian translations for settings page.


  • Fixed some minor display issues;
  • Added support for diagnosis and monitoring of the plugin payment gateway’s configuration.


  • Improved usability: gateway readiness displayd in the WooCommerce payment management tab;
  • Extended action and filter hooks support;
  • Bug fixes.


  • Add reporting widget to WooCommerce Admin dashboard;
  • Correct handling of payment initiation errors in the payment receipt screen;
  • Correct handling of situations where some plug-in requirements are not fulfilled.


Fixed minor usability issues.


First officially distributed version.