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Wocommerce – Mezco SMS


IMPORTANT: Wocommerce – Mezco SMS require WooCommerce 2.1.0 or higher.

NOTE: WooCommerce – Mezco SMS Notifications is now called Wocommerce – Mezco SMS.

Wocommerce – Mezco SMS add to your WooCommerce store the possibility of send SMS notifications to customer every time the order status changed. Also notifies the owner, if you desired, when the store have a new order.


  • Mezco SMS.
    • Possibility to inform the owner or owners the store about new orders.
    • Possibility to send, or not, international SMS.
    • Possibility to notify to shipping phone number, if it’s different from the billing phone number.
    • 100% compatible with WPML.
    • Support for custom order statuses.
    • Support for custom order numbers from WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers Pro plugin.
    • Automatically inset the international prefix number, if it’s necessary, to the customer’s phone number.
    • Also notified by SMS the customer notes.
    • All messages are customizable.
    • You can choose which messages to send.
    • You can timer every X hours the message for on-hold orders.
    • Supports a large number of variables to personalize our messages: %id%, %order_key%, %billing_first_name%, %billing_last_name%, %billing_company%, %billing_address_1%, %billing_address_2%, %billing_city%, %billing_postcode%, %billing_country%, %billing_state%, %billing_email%, %billing_phone%, %shipping_first_name%, %shipping_last_name%, %shipping_company%, %shipping_address_1%, %shipping_address_2%, %shipping_city%, %shipping_postcode%, %shipping_country%, %shipping_state%, %shipping_method%, %shipping_method_title%, %payment_method%, %payment_method_title%, %order_discount%, %cart_discount%, %order_tax%, %order_shipping%, %order_shipping_tax%, %order_total%, %status%, %prices_include_tax%, %tax_display_cart%, %display_totals_ex_tax%, %display_cart_ex_tax%, %order_date%, %modified_date%, %customer_message%, %customer_note%, %post_status%, %shop_name%, %order_product% and %note%.
    • You can add your own custom variables.
    • Has mezco_sms_message filter to facilitate the customization of SMS messages from third-party plugins.
    • Has mezco_sms_message_return filter to facilitate the customization of messages once they have been encoded from third-party plugins.
    • Has mezco_sms_send_message filter to prevent sending the SMS messages from third-party plugins.
    • Has mezco_sms_phone_process and mezco_sms_phone_return filters to facilitate the phone number process from third-party plugins.
    • Possibility to notify multiple phone numbers via filter mezco_sms_phone_return.
    • Once setup is fully automated.


Technical support

AdenSoft Developers offers Technical support to configure or install Wocommerce – Mezco SMS.


Wocommerce – Mezco SMS it has been programmed from the Chirag Vora request to add to WooCommerce the ability to send notifications about the order status through SMS messages.

More information

On our official website you can learn more about Wocommerce – Mezco SMS.


Don’t forget to leave us your comment on:

More plugins

Remember that you can find more plugins for WordPress and more plugins for WooCommerce on AdenSoft Developers and our profile on WordPress.


You can follow the development of this plugin on Github.



Since Wocommerce – Mezco SMS is totally free, AdenSoft Developers only provides payment Technical Support service. In any case AdenSoft Developers provide any kind of free technical support.


Did you liked and you have proved useful Wocommerce – Mezco SMS on your website? We would appreciate a small donation that will help us to continue improving this plugin and create more plugins totally free for the entire WordPress community.


  • To Chirag Vora for having inspired to create Wocommerce – Mezco SMS.
  • To all that use it.
  • All that you help to improve it.
  • All you made donations.
  • All that you encourage us with your comments.

Thank you very much to all!


  1. You can:
    • Upload the woo-mezco-sms folder to /wp-content/plugins/ directory via FTP.
    • Upload the full ZIP file via Plugins -> Add New -> Upload on your WordPress Administration Panel.
    • Search Wocommerce – Mezco SMS in the search engine available on Plugins -> Add New and press Install Now button.
  2. Activate plugin through Plugins menu on WordPress Administration Panel.
  3. Set up plugin on WooCommerce -> SMS Notifications or through Settings button.
  4. Ready, now you can enjoy it, and if you like it and find it useful, make a donation.


How do you set?

To configure the plugin simply add the data provided by each SMS gateway, which vary based on it.

Also have to add the mobile phone number that’s linked to the account.

It should specify whether we want, or not, to receive SMS notifications for each new order in the store and if we want, or not, send international SMS.

Finally it must be customized, if desired, the messages to be sent by SMS.


If you need help to configuring or installing Wocommerce – Mezco SMS, AdenSoft Developers offers its service Technical Support.

In any case AdenSoft Developers provides any kind of free technical support.


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Списък с промени


  • Small fixes.