Това разширение не е обновявано повече от 2 години. Може вече да не се поддържа и да има проблеми със съвместимостта при използването му на по-нови версии на WordPress.

Shipping Additional Days for WooCommerce


Shipping Additional Days for WooCommerce allows you to set additional days to your estimated delivery date into Products and Shipping Classes.


With WCSAD you can sell „on demand“ products:

  • If you need some extra time to receive a stock
  • If you just can send products into weekends
  • If you spend one week to make your product
  • If your provider takes 2 or 3 days to send you the product


For all plugin we’ll use the max value: additional days of all shipping classes and/or additional days of all products.

We will show the additional day as estimated delivery time. If no additional day is used, we’ll show a message informing the product will be available after payment.

WooCommerce Correios has it’s own additional days and estimated delivery time implementation. We’ll add the max value to its delivery time: our additional days or its own implementation.


Tested up to WooCommerce version 4.8

Снимки на разширението

  • Product configuration
  • Shipping Classes configuration


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-shipping-additional-days directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. That’s all. No configuration needed: you already can see new fields into products shipping options and shipping classes list


Did you renamed the plugin?

Yes. Due to this.

My stock will be managed?

No. This plugin just work into delivery days estimate: everything else is up to WooCommerce and your shipping plugin.

I can save Additional Days but delivery estimate hasn’t changed.

Make sure you have a supported shipping plugin activate and in use.

Which plugins are supported?

Please take a look in the plugin’s description.

My shipping plugin is not supported. Can you support it?

If your shipping plugin is here into WordPress repository: yepp!
Please, open a support ticket with plugin’s name and link.

If you are the developer, let’s take a coffe 🙂

I want to change the Local Pickup estimated delivery text.

You can use the wcsad_pickup_estimated_delivery_text filter.

I’m developer, can I help with code?

Of course! You are welcomed to join us in GitHub.


Plugin muito bom, atende completamente a necessidade de vários clientes que precisam de tempo extra em cada produto. Sem contar que o suporte ao plugin foi sensacional! Os dias não apareciam na opção de retirada local (e nem fazia parte do escopo do plugin, que da suporte apenas aos correios), porem, falei com o Mario e ele fez essa implementação no mesmo dia 😀
23.07.2020 2 replies
Não consegui adicionar os dias à entrega da loja virtual da minha cliente, pois não funciona. Instala normalmente, mas ao inserir os dias, seja pela classe de entrega ou por produto, não altera em nada o prazo de entrega na página do produto. Além disso, uma vez incluído dias na classe de entrega, não é possível retornar os dias adicionais pra zero. Minhas versões: WordPress: 5.4.2 | Woocommerce: 4.3.1 | Woocommerce Correios: 3.0.8
22.06.2020 1 reply
Plugin resolve um problema latente para alguns tipos de comércio e parabéns ao desenvolvedor!
07.05.2018 1 reply
Estava faltando um plugin desses, obrigado por compartilhar com a comunidade. Deu certinho aqui, sem nenhum tipo de problema.
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Списък с промени


  • You can add Additional Days to every product or to all products into a Shipping Class
  • Support to „WooCommerce Correios“ plugin


  • Support to translations


  • Fixed configurations on products
  • Tested with new version of WC and WooCommerce Correios


  • Fixed bug when no products have Shipping Classes
  • Tested with new version of WordPress, WooCommerce and WooCommerce Correios


  • Fixed saving Shipping Classes as 0
  • Tested with new version of WordPress, WooCommerce and WooCommerce Correios


  • Added support to Local Pickup shipping method.
  • Bug fixes and tested with new version of WordPress, WooCommerce and WooCommerce Correios.