Posts per Cat is a simple plugin that grab all or only selected categories from blog database, and then list recent N posts from each category, organised in 1-5 columns.
Plugin Posts-per-Cat is unmaintained. That means no further updates or free plugin support will be available.
If you are interested to acquisition of plugin, please contact us.
- choose how many boxes per row will be displayed (one, two, three, four or five)
- define number of post titles to display per category
- define category ID’s to exclude
- define category ID’s to include
- toggle displaying of child categories
- ordering boxes by category ID, title or custom (manually entered category ID’s as include list)
- toggle displaying sticky posts
- toggle usage of custom list CSS
- SEO optimized permalink URI’s
- integrate to template file, use shortcode [ppc] with options or widget
- ready for localisation
- template system for single post line in box defined by user in plain HTML with macro keywords for post elements
Shortcode options
You can use shortcode [ppc], with options below (set option in shortcode to override default settings above):
– Number of columns (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5)minh=0
– Minimal height of box (in px, set to 0 for auto)include=category_ID's
– Include category (comma separated category ID’s)exclude=category_ID's
– Exclude category (comma separated category ID’s)parent=0
– Only top level categories (0 or 1)order=ID
– Order categories by (ID, name or custom)catonly=0
– Only from displayed category archive (0 or 1)noctlink=0
– Do not link category name (0 or 1)more=0
– Standalone link to archives (0 or 1)moretxt="More from"
– Archive link prefixposts=5
– Number of headlines per category blockporderby=date
– Order posts by date, modified, title, name, ID, authorporder=DESC
– Order sorting DESC or ASCtitlelen=34
– Headline length (in characters)shorten=0
– Shorten headline (0 or 1)commnum=0
– Display comment number (0 or 1)nosticky=0
– Hide sticky posts (0 or 1)excerpts=none
– Show excerpt (none, first or all)content=0
– Use post content as excerpt (0 or 1)excleng=100
– Excerpt lengththumb=0
– Show thumbnail with excerpt (0 or 1)tsize=60
– Thumbnail size, set size in px for thumbnail width (height is same); or set in format WIDTHxHEIGHT (example 220×123); or set predefined custom image size (thumbnail, small, medium, large, full or cusotm defined)
Since version 1.4.0 you can use template to display custom formatted output (post line element). Example:
<span class="comments-meta">(<a href="%comments_link%">%comments_num% comments</a>)</span>
<span class="date-meta">%date% @ %time%</span>
<span class="author-meta"><a href="%author_posts_url%">%author_displayname%</a></span>
%excerpt% <a href="%link%">[read more]</a>
Supported macros:
Снимки на разширението
- Login to your WordPress site and go to page
–>Add New
- Type
posts per cat
field and pressSearch Plugins
button - Click on
Install Now
link belowPosts per Cat
name - Click on
as answer to questionAre you sure you want to install this plugin?
- Click
Activate Plugin
link after success installation - Go to
–>Posts per Cat
page and configure plugin’s options - Put code
<?php do_action('ppc'); ?>
in your template file (for example in index.php just before closing</div><!-- #content -->
tag, or use widgetPosts per Cat
or shortcode[ppc]
I would like to get a list of posts but just from one category
Enter category ID into
Include category
field, and leave uncheckedOnly top level categories
checkbox. -
I set in template macro to display excerpt, but no excerpt displayed
Enable option
Use post content as excerpt
in widget, or provide shortcode parametercontent=1
, because you did not have manually set excerpts for posts, so you must ask PPC to generate excerpt from post content.
There are no reviews for this plugin.
Сътрудници и разработчици
“Posts per Cat [Unmaintained]” е софтуер с отворен код. Към разширението са допринесли следните хора:
СътруднициПревеждане на “Posts per Cat [Unmaintained]” на вашия език.
Имате интерес към разработване?
Преглеждане на кода, разглеждане на SVN хранилище, или абонамент към програмната история (log) чрез RSS.
Списък с промени
1.4.2 (2015-11-28)
- Change plugin status to Unmaintained
- Intorduce acquisition of plugin for interested third parties
- Update donation link (2015-04-16)
- Fix missing mb_strlen and mb_substr that cause Fatal error on servers w/ PHP installed w/o –enable-mbstring option (2015-03-30)
- Fix warnings if no default settings defined
1.4.1 (2014-09-16)
- Fix settings page initialization issue
- Fix output when do_action() is used for integration
- Add to Widget settings support for post ordering and sorting (already supported by shortcode since 1.3.0 – undocumented until now)
1.4.0 (2014-09-13)
- Fix usage of predefined include/exclude categories in global settings if no include/exclude categories provided in widget or shortcode
- Fix non-working minimal box height set in widget or shortcode
- Add support for cusotm template output with post element macros
- Add support for non-square thumbnails with WIDTH, WIDTHxHEIGHT or image size name as value
- Change – Link to category can be applied to Category title and to „More“ link for category in same time
- Change – Remove embedded Redux from plugin and use Redux Framework Plugin for global PPX settings page
- Change – pack PPC to class
1.3.0 (2014-06-01)
- A lot of fixes made during framework change
- Improved basic block layouts
- Add 5th column for boxes
- Convert settings page to Redux Framework
- Update compatibility to 3.9.1
1.2.1 (2014-01-27)
- Fix widget functionality
- Update compatibility to 3.8.1
1.2.0 (2013-11-24)
- Add shortcode options to override default settings
- Add widget with settings
- Code optimization
1.1.0 (2012-04-05)
- Adds option to disable link on category title
- Adds shortcode [ppc]
- Adds class to headline title and number of comments
1.0.0 (2012-01-16)
- Adds option to toggle comments number with link
- Adds option to use post content in stead of post excerpt
- Adds option for custom category ordering (as listed in Include category)
- Adds option to display PPC in one, two, three or four columns
- Adds available category list in Options page
- All coments in code translated to English
- Follow WP coding standards
- Renamed from Posts-per-Cat to Posts per Cat
0.0.14 (2011-04-09)
- Fixed debug errors
- Fixed (I hope I do) image URI’s in CSS
- Adapted for WordPress 3.1
- Added French localisation thanks to Pepita Pop (2010-06-23)
0.0.13 (2010-05-27)
- Fixed path to CSS on nonroot WP installations
0.0.12 (2010-05-18)
- Fixed full width problem in IE6
0.0.11 (2010-04-24)
- Added dirty hack for seervers w/o mb_strlen()
- Added option to filter categories on category archive
- Added option to display thumbnails with excerpts
- Added option to display standalone link to category archive
- Better terminology
0.0.10 (2010-01-07)
- Added option to display two or only one column per row (full width)
0.0.9 (2009-10-09)
- Fixed XHTML validation error for div class
- Added full post title as link title
0.0.8 (2009-09-26)
- Replaced category and post URI with permalink
- Added option to display excerpt for first article only, for all articles or not display at all
- Added option to shorten excerpts to specified length (in characters)
- Added option to shorten post title to specified length (in characters)
- Added options for custom categories to include/exclude
- Moved Settings links in plugin actions
- Fixed and improved ppc.css and ppc-list.css StyleSheets
0.0.7 (2009-03-04)
- Posts per Cat added to WordPress plugin repository
- Fixed broken category URI on non-index pages
- Added ppc action hook
0.0.6 (2009-03-03)
- Fixed SCC URI on non-index pages
0.0.5 (2009-02-20)
- Added plugin option to disable usage of CSS StyleSheet for list styles
0.0.4 (2009-02-20)
- Fixed CSS positioning problem
0.0.3 (2009-02-16)
- Published first public release
- Added Settings page
- Gettexturized (enabled localisation)
0.0.2 (2009-02-10)
- Code packed from functions.php to plugin
0.0.1 (2009-02-02)
- Project initialized